We are located in Manavgat ,Antalya.
Between Side - Antalya you will see the "tasagil- Köprülü Kanyon" label,you turn to that label.
After passing Taşağıl ,follow the Köprülü Kanyon label,after 15 KMS. You will see the bridge named kepez.after this bridge theres old Beşkonak Asphalt road to the left(GOKCESU CAMPİNG LABEL).
Take left and after 2-3 KMS you will see pyramid stones and a dirt road on your left.Follow this road for 2-3 KMS,At the end of road you will see our wallnut farm and Sacred Canyon.
On google maps you can also find DİRECTİONS as SACRED CANYON ECO VİLLAGE CAMPING.
mail : sacredcanyon@gmail.com
Mobile + 905323232441
Only whatsup message pls . We dont carry phone nor speak on phone.
Turn left